Server browsers in Call of Duty again!? Is this real life!? C’mon developers, follow Treyarch and Call of Duty’s lead. – We will provide an Unranked Server Browser so you can easily find and join servers with modded content. – We will include Unranked Dedicated Server Files with the tools so you can run servers with modded content anywhere you choose. – You will be able to create Maps & Game Modes and more! Here’s a bit more info about the modding and mapping tools straight from Treyarch. An open beta will launch sometime after that. Right now, Treyarch is targeting March 2016 for a closed alpha.
This feature won’t be available at launch. At the very least, allow maps created on PC to be playable on consoles. No word on PS4 or Xbox One, but that needs to happen. Modding and mapping tools are on the way for the PC version of Black Ops III. And now, they’re embracing the PC community.
Treyarch knows how to make a damn good Call of Duty.